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(Excerpt text – 16 px open sans) From the dolphins frequently seen offshore to the lush native bush and the active wildlife the area is recognised for its biodiversity.

HEADING TWO (28 px playfair)

HEADING THREE (26 playfair)

HEADING FOUR (24 playfair)

Heading Five (22 playfair lowercase)

(Main content text – 16 px open sans) From the dolphins frequently seen offshore to the lush native bush and the active wildlife the area is recognised for its biodiversity. (Main content text – 16 px open sans) From the dolphins frequently seen offshore to the lush native bush and the active wildlife the area is recognised for its biodiversity. (Main content text – 16 px open sans) From the dolphins frequently seen offshore to the lush native bush and the active wildlife the area is recognised for its biodiversity. (Main content text – 16 px open sans) From the dolphins frequently seen offshore to the lush native bush and the active wildlife the area is recognised for its biodiversity.

More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text. More text.

walking at whangarei heads

Title for image inserted in text 14 px Open Sans, centred


  • 14px Open Sans font
  • Rock fishing or low tide exploring the foreshore
  • Walks across the farm and nearby trails
  • Kayaking
  • Tennis


  • 14px Open Sans font
  • Rock fishing or low tide exploring the foreshore
  • Walks across the farm and nearby trails
  • Kayaking
  • Tennis